Policy Paper26.04.2024

Biodiversity: Act Now for Nature and Humanity


Harnessing the transformative potential of health systems


Healthy living on a healthy planet

Flagship Report19.06.2023

Healthy living on a healthy planet


Planetary Health: What we need to talk about

Policy Paper06.07.2021

Beyond Climate Neutrality

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Flagship Report03.11.2020

Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene:
from Separation to Integration

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Gutachten: Landwende im Anthropozän

Flagship Report: Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene

Flagship Report22.11.2019

Towards our Common Digital Future

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Hauptgutachten: Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft

Flagship Report: Towards our Common Digital Future


#SustainableDigitalAge - Illustrated Fact Sheet


Core messages of the flagship report ‘Our Common Digital Future’

Policy Paper09.10.2019

A European Way to our Common Digital Future

Policy Paper12.07.2019

Digital Momentum for the UN Sustainability Agenda

Policy Paper19.07.2018

Just & In-Time Climate Policy:
Four Initiatives for a Fair Transformation

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Digitalization: What we need to talk about


New Urban Agenda: Implementation Demands Concerted Effort Now

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Research for the transformation of the cities towards sustainability


Recommendations for the “UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III”



Special Report23.09.2016

Development and justice through transformation: The Four Big ‘I’s

Flagship Report20.01.2016

Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities


The Urban Planet

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Vietnamese version

Policy Paper06.08.2015

Human Progress within Planetary Guard Rails

Special Report18.07.2014

Climate Protection as a World Citizen Movement

Flagship Report28.02.2013

World in Transition: Governing the Marine Heritage


The Great Transformation

Policy Paper01.06.2012

Financing the Global Energy-System Transformation


Research and Education - Drivers of Transformation


The Transformation towards Sustainability

Flagship Report17.03.2011

World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability


Global Megatrends



Transforming Energy Systems


A Social Contract for Sustainability

Policy Paper26.04.2010

Climate Policy Post-Copenhagen – A Three-Level Strategy for Success

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The WBGU Budget Approach





Climate change: Why 2°C?




Special Report01.09.2009

Solving the climate dilemma: The budget approach





Flagship Report08.12.2008

World in Transition: Future Bioenergy and Sustainable Land Use

Flagship Report06.06.2007

World in Transition: Climate Change as a Security Risk


Welt im Wandel: Sicherheitsrisiko Klimawandel

World in Transition: Climate Change as a Security Risk

Policy Paper12.02.2007

New impetus for climate policy: making the most of Germany's dual presidency

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Neue Impulse für die Klimapolitik: Chancen der deutschen Doppelpräsidentschaft nutzen

New impetus for climate policy: making the most of Germany's dual presidency

Special Report31.05.2006

The Future Oceans – Warming Up, Rising High, Turning Sour

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Die Zukunft der Meere – zu warm, zu hoch, zu sauer

The Future Oceans – Warming Up, Rising High, Turning Sour

Policy Paper09.06.2005

Development needs Environmental Protection: Recommendations for the Millennium + 5 Summit

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Keine Entwicklung ohne Umweltschutz: Empfehlungen zum Millennium+5-Gipfel

Development needs Environmental Protection: Recommendations for the Millennium + 5 Summit

Flagship Report01.12.2004

World in Transition – Fighting Poverty through Environmental Policy

Policy Paper17.03.2004

Renewable energies for sustainable development: Impulses for renewables 2004

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Erneuerbare Energien für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung – Impulse für die renewables 2004

Renewable energies for sustainable development: Impulses for renewables 2004

Special Report25.11.2003

Climate Protection Strategies for the 21st Century. Kyoto and Beyond

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Über Kioto hinaus denken – Klimaschutzstrategien für das 21. Jahrhundert

Climate Protection Strategies for the 21st Century. Kyoto and Beyond

Flagship Report10.04.2003

World in Transition – Towards Sustainable Energy Systems

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Welt im Wandel – Energiewende zur Nachhaltigkeit

World in Transition – Towards Sustainable Energy Systems

Commissioned Expert's Studies

Special Report27.02.2002

Charging the Use of Global Commons

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Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter

Charging the Use of Global Commons

Policy Paper27.02.2002

Charging the Use of Global Commons

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Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter

Charging the Use of Global Commons

Policy Paper18.10.2001

The Johannesburg Opportunity – Key Elements of a Negotiation Strategy

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Die Chance von Johannesburg - Eckpunkte einer Verhandlungsstrategie

The Johannesburg Opportunity – Key Elements of a Negotiation Strategy

Flagship Report20.12.2000

World in Transition: New Structures for Global Environmental Policy

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Welt im Wandel – Neue Strukturen globaler Umweltpolitik

World in Transition: New Structures for Global Environmental Policy

Flagship Report13.09.2000

World in Transition: Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere

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Welt im Wandel – Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung der Biosphäre

World in Transition: Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere

Special Report17.12.1999

World in Transition - Environment and Ethics

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Welt im Wandel – Umwelt und Ethik

World in Transition - Environment and Ethics

Flagship Report12.03.1999

World in Transition: Strategies for Managing Global Environmental Risks

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Welt im Wandel – Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken

World in Transition: Strategies for Managing Global Environmental Risks

Special Report26.06.1998

The Accounting of Biological Sinks and Sources Under the Kyoto Protocol - A Step Forwards or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?

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Die Anrechnung biologischer Quellen und Senken im Kyoto-Protokoll: Fortschritt oder Rückschlag für den globalen Umweltschutz?

The Accounting of Biological Sinks and Sources Under the Kyoto Protocol - A Step Forwards or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?

Special Report03.12.1997

Targets for Climate Protection 1997

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Ziele für den Klimaschutz 1997

Targets for Climate Protection 1997

Flagship Report16.07.1997

World in Transition: WaysTowards Sustainable Management of Freshwater Resources

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Welt im Wandel – Wege zu einem nachhaltigen Umgang mit Süßwasser

World in Transition: WaysTowards Sustainable Management of Freshwater Resources

Flagship Report26.06.1996

World in Transition: The Research Challenge

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Welt im Wandel – Herausforderung für die deutsche Wissenschaft

World in Transition: The Research Challenge

Flagship Report31.10.1995

World in Transition: Ways Towards Global Environmental Solutions

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Welt im Wandel – Wege zur Lösung globaler Umweltprobleme

World in Transition: Ways Towards Global Environmental Solutions

Special Report15.03.1995

Scenario for the derivation of global CO2-reduction targets and implementation strategies

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Szenario zur Ableitung globaler CO2-Reduktionsziele und Umsetzungsstrategien

Scenario for the derivation of global CO2-reduction targets and implementation strategies

Flagship Report29.06.1994

World in Transition: The Threat to Soils


Welt im Wandel – Die Gefährdung der Böden

World in Transition: The Threat to Soils

Flagship Report31.12.1993

World in Transition: Basic Structure of Global People-Environment Interactions

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Welt im Wandel – Grundstruktur globaler Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen

World in Transition: Basic Structure of Global People-Environment Interactions